Story Intro - Strengthening how you communicate

What you will learn in this module: 1. Game Plan 2. Relationships (should this be called relationship building? SURE) 3. Next Generation Leadership (Could we call it ‘NGL’, could be an acronym you could become famous for? – SURE) narrative – Know what to say and how to say it with high impact using examples, stories, data points and analogies. Know how to self yourself and talk about yourself without selling yourself.Deliver a memorable talk, speech, presentation or sentence. CLARITY, DATA DRIVEN, INSIGHTS, EXAMPLES, ANALOGIESEmotion – Connect with your audience so they feel, see, hear, touch, taste everything you want them to, enabling them to have empathy for what you do, your mission and why. Get them bought into helping you on that mission. AUTHENTICITY, VULNERABILITY, EMPATHY, INSPIRE, EMPOWERAmp – Use your full eco-system wisely and continuously so they work for you and communicate your brand in what they do so that you are not the only one speaking about you. uDIENCE, ELEVATOR PITCH, SPONSOR, ADVOCACY, 3 v’S – VOCAL/VISUAL/VOICE |